The Directorate of Operations is the precedent directorate in the Training and Operations Branch. It is responsible for the formulation of NAF operational policies. It is also to formulate policy on aircrew training, and coordinate and monitor the implementation of all NAF operational plans, policies and regulations. The Directorate is headed by a pilot with an established rank of Air Vice Marshal (AVM).
The Directorate of Training is responsible for the formulation of NAF training policies and coordination of training needs for the Service. It is headed by a regular officer with an established rank of Air Commodore (Air Cdre).
The Directorate of Air Traffic Management and Services (DA TMS) is responsible for formulating and monitoring the implementation of airspace management, meteorological and fire safety policies for the smooth conduct of NAF operations. It is also to liaise with the appropriate military/civil organizations for all air traffic management, meteorological and fire services matters. The Directorate is headed by a regular officer of the ATMS specialty with an established rank of Air Commodore (Air Cdre).
The Directorate of Regiment (DOREGT) is responsible for the formulation of Regiment policies, coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the Base Defence Plans for NAF installations/platforms. It is headed by a regular officer of the Regiment specialty with an established rank of Air Commodore (Air Cdre).
Since the advent of the current democratic dispensation, the transformation process of the Armed Forces of Nigeria in terms of civil-military relations has undergone substantial progress and has brought to the fore the need for the establishment of a Directorate of Civil-Military Relations. Ever since its establishment in…, the Directorate has been coordinating quick impact projects designed to address immediate challenges of people adversely affected by insurgency and COIN operations.