The Directorate of Administration (DOA) is the precedent directorate in the Admin Branch. It is responsible for formulating administrative and welfare policies for the NAF. It is headed by a regular officer of the Admin specialty with an established rank of air vice marshal. The organizational structure of DOA is at Appendix 1 to Annex H.
The Directorate of Air Provost (DAP) is responsible for formulating law enforcement and security policies in the NAF. The Directorate is to be headed by the Air Provost Marshal (APM) who is a regular officer of the Air Provost specialty with an established rank of Air Commodore (Air Cdre).
The Directorate of Legal Services (DLS) advises the CAS through the COA on all legal and other related matters including the administration and interpretation of documents relating to the NAF. The Directorate is headed by a Legal officer with an established Air Commodore (Air Cdre).
The Directorate of Public Relations and Information (DOPRI) is responsible for creating and maintaining a favourable public image for the NAF. It is also to ensure advocacy, understanding, support and co-operation through deliberate and planned public relations programmes. It is headed by a regular officer of the information specialty with an established rank of Air Commodore (Air Cdre).
The Directorate of Education (DOEDN) is responsible for the initiation of policies governing the provision and administration of NAF educational services. In addition, the Directorate is responsible for the management of NAF libraries. The Directorate is headed by an Education officer with an established rank of Air Commodore (Air Cdre).
The Directorate of Physical Education (DPE) is responsible for the formulation of physical fitness and sports policies for the NAF. The Directorate is to be headed by a PE officer with an established rank of Air Commodore (Air Cdre).
The Directorate of Islamic Affairs has the offices of director, a deputy director and 2 assistant directors. The Directorate is headed by an Imam with an established rank of Air Cdre. The Director of Islamic Affairs is responsible for the formulation of policy on Islamic affairs in the NAF.
Directorate of Chaplaincy Protestant is organized into the offices of director, a deputy director and 2 assistant directors. The Directorate is headed by a Chaplain Protestant with an established rank of Air Cdre. The Director of Chaplain Protestant is responsible for the formulation of policy on Christian affairs (Protestant) in the NAF.
Directorate of Chaplaincy Roman Catholic has the offices of director, a deputy director and 2 assistant directors. The Directorate is to be headed by a Chaplain Roman Catholic with an established rank of Air Cdre. The Director of Chaplaincy - Roman Catholic is responsible for the formation of policy on Christian affairs (Roman Catholic) in the NAF.
The Directorate of Music was established under the Administration Branch. The Directorate enacts policies and coordinates the activities of the Music Specialty in the NAF. The Directorate is organised into the offices of Director of Music, Deputy Director and 2 x Assistant Directors. The Directorate is headed by an offr of the Music Specialty with an established rank of an Air Commodore (Air Cdre).